Premises of the L. Hoster Brewing Company, Columbus, Ohio
The business of this company was originally established in 1836, and the office is located at Front street and Livingston avenue. The plant extends south five hundred feet covering over twelve acres of ground on both sides of Front street. It comprises numerous large buildings of handsome design and substantial construction. Employment is given to 150 men, and the annual pay-roll is over $130,000. One hundred horses and 50 wagons are used in the city, besides which are 30 wagons at local agencies outside the city. Over 250,000 bushels of malt are used annually and 140,000 pounds of hops, 40,000 pounds of which are imported. About 40,000 barrels and kegs are in use, 20,000 cases and 1,000,000 bottles; 15,000 barrels including storage casts, represents and investment of $75,000. The freight bills paid yearly aggregate $80,000 to $100,000; the internal revenue almost $150,000; taxes $6,500 (not including street assessments). The fuel bill is about $20,000 and the total yearly expense of conducting the business is $1,000,000. The capacity of the plant is 175,000 barrels annually and the output is from 140,000 to 150,000. The company operates with a capital stock of $500,000.
Text from Joseph A. Miller, An Interesting Study will be Found One of Vital Importance and Worthy of Close Perusal by the Taxpayer, Merchant, Farmer and Voter, Giving as it does a Complete Review of Ohio's Greatest Business Interest (Columbus, n.p., 1895): 35