The "Gold Dust" Twins DO Her Work.
"The liquor traffic is the child of law. It has no inherent right to exist. Whatever gives it its delegated right, perpetuates the traffic. Without the license law, with its provided revenue, the saloon would have to go.
Whether the license is high or low, the principle is the same. The two old parties are always ready to scrub up the statute for the gin-mills, and so help to keep the public conscience quiet, and the traffic at ease.
No wonder the liquor interest slides from one end of the political teter-board to the other in order to keep both old parties alive, and wrangling over old or dead issues.
As sure as fate the 'Gold Dust Twins' do the saloon’s work. Fine twins for the gin-mills, but poor for the interests of social order and good government. It is about time that the people quit thinking that the political twins which work for the license system can overthrow the saloon."
(from Prohibition Cartoons by D.F. Stewart and H.W. Wilbur, Defender Publishing Company, 1904)